Locke Spencer for School Board Trustee

looking to the future

I've lived in Lethbridge for over 20 years and am the father of 5 children attending three schools within Lethbridge School Division, of which 2 are in the French Immersion program.  I'm a Professor and Research Chair at the University of Lethbridge developing instrumentation and technology for space telescopes and I study astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. I serve as the lead negotiator for the University faculty association. I also serve on the Canadian Space Agency advisory committee to the federal government on space astronomy policy. I chair the local regional science fair and science olympics, and serve on various community and University committees including the Nicholas Sheran Parent council and the `Friends of Nicholas Sheran School' Society.

I want to bring my unique perspective as a parent, educator, scientist, and academic to the District 51 school board trustee position and ensure that our students, teachers, and parents have the resources and tools they need such that students, our children, are fully prepared for their futures and get the best possible education within the best possible environment.

Please contact me with any questions you may have or look at my stance on a variety of topics on this website. I hope you will consider voting for me. Thank you. Locke
